Hi, welcome to my world, my name is Chasity, I am the boss trouble of my house. But my humans
think they are. Boy are they wrong. Come back often I will be updating every chance I get, when I can make the humans get
off the computer. Hi, I'm back again. I finally got the humans off the computer. I love running the household. I got in
trouble last night because i kept turning the trash over. But now my humans put it in the closet at bedtime. Now if I could
just figure out how to get in the closet. Oops I hear them coming so got to go be back later. Well, Finally, I can get
back to this. They are asleep, so I better hurry. I finally managed to convince them that I need a treat every night. Boy,
I'm good aren't I???? I tried to run off last week, when they let me out, now I'm November 3, 2002. Finally I get to work
on my page again. I am adding some new photos, boy do I love getting my photo taken. I am a little ham. I have been getting
into lately. I love trying to run outside when the door opens and when I succeed I get in big trouble, now they say I'm grounded
for a 'billion YEARS' HOWEVER LONG THAT IS!!! does anybody know, oops I have to go see you later. Well, I finally learned
what a 'billion years" is. It is a loooonnnggg time. I don't try to run out any more as my humans reminded me of the time
a dog nearly got me how I was so scared I almost had a heart attack, I remembered and said "Sheech, I don't want that
to happen ever again. So I don't do that no more. Today is November 20,2002 and yesterday I threw a temper fit. My meowmie
thought it was so funny. She said she wished she had a camera to take my picture, I love my picture taken, but think that
would have been embarashing, don't you? What happened was, I love crawling under blankets to sleep and was trying to put
my head under there and it wouldn't go so I could crawl under and it made me mad, so I started scratching the cover and hissing
and spitting, then my meowmie started laughing at me, that really made me upset. Well, gotta go. Please come back soon. 'Well,
I'm baaaack, it is 11/25,2002. I just love writing and updating this. They say a holiday called Thanksgiving is come up.
I have a lot to be thankful for. #1. I have a wonderful human furrmaly that loves me. #2. I am in good health. That is the
2 main things. I sure hope they get me some good thanksgiving treats. I know they will, because they love me. Also Christmas
is coming up, so I'm on my best behavior. Well til next time, you other little kitties be good. I had a good thanksgiving,
my purrrents got me some special treats, they were good. Today is December 1, 2002 and my meowmie game me this site as
my very own. I am having so much fun redoing it. I hope you all like what I've done to it, please tell me how much when you
sign the guestbook. I would appreciate it so much. I would also like if you all would go visit my purrrents' site. Their site
is https://rubycats0.tripod.com/theraysofarizona and sign their guestbook, their is a page there about me, too. It is Christmas,
2002My purrrents gave me a very good Christmas treat tonight, it was so good. When they got back from the store I noticed
they had a camera. YIPPEE I'm going to get to get to get my picture taken tomorrow and in the next few days. I got a picture
of Fluffy on his memorial page. Wasn't he so cute!!! You know, I've been throwing some very bad temper fits here lately,
my meowmy said I was worse than a human child!!! Don't know what that means, do you? Anyway the other night i threw one just
because my water bowl got dirty and knocked one of my meowmies favorite glasses down and broke it, boy was she mad at me.
I didn't get to get my treat for that little stunt. Boy, wasn't she mean to me? I think I'm going to have to watch my temper!!!
It gets me into lots of trouble!!! Take care and all you other little kitties, don't go throwing temper fits, because you
get into trouble doing that!!! But my meowmie and Daddie and my human sister still love me and that's what counts. February
1, 2003: Today is my 4th birthday and I am being treated so special. I gots a new stuffed toy, a small teddy bear. I also
got me a very, very wonderful trat. It was so good. Now if I could just convince my purrrents that I have more than one birthday
a year, would be nice!!!!Take care and all you kitties be good out there. 2/26/2003 It snowed on the mountains again yesterday.
They are pretty today. Nice outside here though. It is 55 degrees right now and it is 12:30 pm. I put a photo of my new
wink-wink, George, on my net furrriends page. Go look, isn't he just adorable? Makes my heart go pitty patter. He's from NY.
He invited me to come visit and even offered to send me his cat carrier. Wasn't that so sweet? Well, gotta go right now
as it is time to eat so I can take another bath and take another cat nap. This web site updating sure is exhausting. See you
all later. Come back again. 3/23/2003 Well, my family went on vacation from 3/14 until 3/20 and left me here by myself.
They did have a very nice lady named, Wendy, come in a check on me every day. She gave me food, water and etc. but disappointed
me every day because every time she came in, I thought it was them coming back. I did good though, didn't knock too much stuff
down, did try to get my own treats though, threw them in the floor but Wendy picked them up and hid them from me, wasn't that
mean??? I missed them so much I cried myself hoarse, now I'm not letting them out of my sight!!! I did one time, knock all
my human sister's videos off her shelf, Wendy picked them up and fixed them, then she had to be a tattle tale and tell on
me!!!! I didn't think that was very nice. Well, this updating is tiresome, so gotta go eat and take a catnap, see you all
July 30, 2003 We moved back to Texas from Arizona on june 6, 2003, was an experience. We left Tucson about 11:00Am on June
6th in a U-Haul truck pulling the car on a tow dolly. I was a little scared at first, but since I had already moved several
times before wasn't so bad. I just laid down on the back of the truck seat and went to sleep. We spent the first night at
a motel in Lordsburg, New Mexico, not too bad then we left there early Saturday morning and my purrrents told me we would
be to our new home that night but about an hour out of ElPaso, Texas at a little town called Fabens, Texas the wheel fell
off the tow dolly, was so scarey but could have been worse. No damage was done, but I was so disappointed because we had to
spend the night there. I cried a lot because I thought we were going to be at our new home. Got the whee; fixed and started
home on Sunday morning, finally got to our new home late in the evening on Sunday, I was so excited. My new home is a 2 bedroom
trailer and I love it.
Christmas 2003: Well, Christmas is here again. I got some good treats and my daddy made me a window seat so I can now look
out the window without having to stand up.
Jan. 1,2004. Well, a new year is here. I didn't do any thing to ring in the new year. Whatever that means!!! ( I just heard
my purrrents say that!!!)
I just took a catnap!!!
I got upset the other night because my purrrents closed me out of the bedroom and threw a big temper tantrum!!! I knocked
everything off of the shelves, even the phone. My meowmy really got mad at me and yelled at me. Don't know why they got so
mad at me after all it is my bedroom!!! They think it is theirs, but it isn't!!!